Passive House, LEED Platinum, HERS 3

November 01, 2010 :: Posted by - Jason :: Category - Single-Family Projects

Imagine that every building maintained the ecological balance needed to sustain life on earth. An immensely complicated goal?  Maybe.  But if we put our fears of failure at the back of the bus, we will maximize the possibility of success.

An Ecologically Balanced Building (EBB), then, is the most advanced building possible for our times because it strives to replicate the ecological balance found in nature.

Passive House = LEED Platinum home in Isabella, MN

This project in Isabella, MN was designed to consume an annual energy load of 4.5 kBTU/sq-ft with a HERS rating of 3 and potentially zero when including the woodstove. This was accomplished through the design and construction of thermally broken/R 55 walls and R 90 roof, the use of high performance windows with glazing selected specifically to optimize the solar gain for each orientation and an air tightness of .5 air changes per hour.

AES recently helped this home achieve both LEED for Homes Platinum as well as Passive House and Energy Star certification.

See Project Proile and more Details.


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